
If you’ve not run on trails before, it’s no problem, just a lot of fun. Whatever the weather, temperature, time of year, we’re out there getting muddy and high on endorphins. You’ll find yourself getting dragged along both metaphorically and occasionally physically.

The journey begins here

Where are you based?

Delamere Spartans are a trail running club in Cheshire, UK.

We run primarily in Delamere Forest, The Sandstone Trail and local tracks on club nights.

We have regular away days all over the UK and our members are involved in races globally.

Our regular club sessions start from a variety of locations local to Delamere. Part of our mission is to provide a varied experience and to avoid repetition.

When are your sessions and what do you provide?

We aim to provide three sessions on a Tuesday evening

These are defined as: 

1) Bridge Buddies (approx 5-6 miles in just over an hour)

2) Iron Spartans (6-10 miles at a testing pace)

3) Super Iron (10+ miles usually defined by speed)

Typically the speed and intensity of our sessions are tailored and tempered by who's leading and who's attending. 

We regularly offer Sunday morning sessions

These are designed as social or introductory sessions. A good place to start and to gain confidence.

Impromptu runs

Our club members regularly arrange run meetings as unofficial local sessions, trips to Wales, the Lake District and beyond. These are typically advertised through our website members area and Facebook.


What should I bring?

The current mandatory kit list is advised at the bottom of this page (within session details).

We also strongly advise grippy trail specific shoes and comfortable running clothes suitable to conditions.

Am I fit / fast enough?

Ultimately you need to be your own judge as to whether you have the fitness to join us. Naturally there is a base level fitness requirement to do trail running safely. Our rule of thumb is that if you can run 6 miles off road in around an hour (with a few breathers!), we should be able to accommodate you.

If in any doubt, or you're on the cusp of this, please try our Sunday sessions first. These sessions are geared towards sociable / introductory run than a fitness session (although both apply).

In any case, we will always look after you - we won't leave you behind and there is no risk of you getting lost or left alone if you follow our instruction.

What is the club ethos?

For some, Spartans is a means of going further, faster and breaking boundaries. For others it's the catalyst for getting active in a way that's not for the faint hearted...

Whatever your Spartan objectives, we are united by a simple ethos:

  • Tarmac is for cars. Run safely with experienced runners who know the forest well.
  • Good times and great company - big adventures on mud and hills.
  • Train hard, explore your limits and push through them.
  • Pick up speed and fitness. Spartans can be a test of mental and physical endurance.
  • Be competitive but leave your ego at home.
  • No one gets left behind.
  • Take part in events as a team. Spartans give each other their full support.
  • Get involved and give something back. The club is run entirely on good will by volunteers.
  • Never surrender, never give up, get dragged along with others and be amazed at what you never thought you could achieve!

What are the club fees?

Current subs for the year are as follows:

£26 for new members or renewal of existing membership.

Optionally UKA membership is available at an additional £15 (current price).

If you would like to be part of the group but aren't going to be able to make it to club runs, a non-running membership is available for £13 which gives you access online.

Subs are decided by a vote at our AGM.

Please note that club shirt is NOT included in fees in order to keep fees nominal. These are available for approx £20, varying depending on type.

What do I get for my club fees?

Our nominal club fees cover day to day running costs such as club assets, website hosting, UKA affiliation and charity donations. All spends subject to voting / consent of club members.

Club accounts are open to all members.

Any club member is entitled to put in a purchase request, subject to our club constitution.

The actual benefits of club fees and becoming a club member are far wider ranging than tangible assets. Please see our homepage for examples.

We are a not for profit club, but keep our balance within a sensible boundaries, the scope of which is reviewed at each AGM.

What’s the club structure?

The club is run entirely by volunteers.

We have a small steering committee, comprised of three founding members plus the following (annually elected) roles of Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.

The club has a flat structure wherein all club members are encouraged to volunteer and help out where they can.

Each club member has a single vote on any issue.

For more information, please refer to our club Constitution document (available to our members via their login).

Do you all run ultra marathons?

No, definitely not!

It's fair to say that many of us had never heard of ultra marathons (26+miles) when we joined the club.

However, a great many of us have been inspired to run these distances since joining. 

There's absolutely no obligation to run these distances and they are never part of Tuesday / Sunday club runs.

Naturally, trail running and ultra marathons go hand in hand so you will find them to be a frequent topic of conversation.

If ultra marathons interest you, then Spartans will be a cornucopia of great advice and encouragement. If they don't interest you, politely yawn and continue joining us for distances that challenge you on your own terms.

Do you run all year round?

Spartans run through all seasons and conditions

Typically our popularity increases as the nights draw in. We provide a safer group environment.

We continue to run through the forest with the help of head torches and winter safety kit. The required kit for any run is listed within the session details.

Usually very high winds are the only conditions that might cause a rethink.

When's the next meet up?

Sunday 20th October 2024

(Nick Brooks)
Iron Spartans

Tuesday 22nd October 2024

(Ben Stratford)
Iron Spartans

(Dave Douglas)
Iron Spartans

(John Kleiser)
Bridge Buddies

Delamere Spartans Cheshire, runner
Delamere Spartans Cheshire, runners in forest
Delamere Spartans Cheshire, oragniser